Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Promise

I'm in a difficult place- a far away place. Most of the time I'm alone. And the sadness creeps in every now and then. Officially this is my 2nd day here, but just 2 days in and I feel this lonely. 

I have thought about this at home. How would it feel like to be here? How much would it hurt?  But sometimes you just have to feel things to really feel them. Thinking wouldn't help. 

But optimistic as I am, I'll always see this as a blessing. Somewhere, some time, God's plan will reveal itself. I just have to trust in His ways. Extremely hard. But that's it. No backing out, move forward and let Him do the rest.

So I made a promise. I had done this way back in college- w/ Oprah's advice. And I'm doing it again. 

I'll list down 10 things everyday that are good about my life. Things that I should be grateful. This would also be a MUCH better choice than a photo diary in Facebook, of my daily journey or whatever. 

My mantra:
"Whatever happens- life is still good. Life can get difficult and more, but the only way to live a happy life is to embrace its complexities"

So I'm still grateful for this. Maybe I'll find answers or maybe not, but there are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. And I'm finding reason from the things that makes my life beautiful. ;)

And my 1st 10 things: (26th January 2011)

1.) the date itself is worth thanking. Micuy and I call this "I love you" day. Because for whatever forces the universe conspired to have a moment like that of Jan.26, 2008 was the best accidental thing that happened in our lives.

2.) the white linens in my bed. Every waking moment I rub my cheeks on those linens. Ahh and it feels soooo good.

3.) Singtel sim. I can text, call and have contact to my love ones every single day.

4.) My engagement ring. I always see it... typing, talking to someone, eating, texting... and it's a happy ring. I feel happy looking at it. I feel love wearing it. 

5.) Legs. My legs. Oh they're as strong as they can be. I walk 15mins or so to the office. I walk fast to get some cardio going.. I ran last night at the gym. I'm thankful I have strong legs.

6.) Skype. Skype is skype. :)

7.) Angela. I'm having a blast being with her. Everyday is a gift. Everyday I thank God that she's here on my first days. I want her to be here until my secondment ends. But she's on the final days of her secondment so she'll be leaving soon. 

8.) Unlimited hotel internet. I just plug my laptop, turn on the camera and call Micuy. Then I watch TV while talking to him. Thank God for that.

9.) Curls in my hair. I'm loving it now. I love swaying it when I'm walking on the streets. I love feeling the curls! :)

10.) Blogspot. Thank you for being my vent. 

Till tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. Nas, don't be sad! SG is AWESOME! Call me anytime if you need someone to talk to ;-)
